Freshmen Peer Mentoring Program

Freshmen Peer Mentoring

The Department of English freshmen mentoring program is a joint effort between the English Undergraduate Advising Office staff and the English Student Advisory Board (ESAB). All first-year English and Film Studies majors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are eligible. Students interested in registering for the program should contact the English and Film Studies Academic Advisor, Dr. Kathleen Lacey, This undergraduate mentoring program centers on the philosophy that peer mentoring for first-year English and Film Studies majors promotes success in college by encouraging participation in academic activities and engagement in the department’s mission of imaginative reasoning.

Two students


All first-year English and Film Studies majors enroll in ENGL 292 during the fall. Contact Dr. Kathleen Lacey ( with questions about enrollment.


By being part of our peer mentoring program, you will have the opportunity to build strong relationships with faculty and with your fellow English and Film Studies students and learn about ways to contribute to the intellectual life and creative activities of the department.

Upon successful completion of the freshmen mentoring program, first-year English and Film Studies majors will:

  • Get to know successful peers in the English and Film Studies programs
  • Attend events to help crystalize goals related to departmental scholarships, internships, research, and professional development
  • Obtain advice on recommended courses for the spring semester
  • Learn about and practice strategies for a sucessful high school-to-college transition, including identifying campus resources
  • Discuss academic concerns in a supportive environment
  • Have fun participating in department events

Peer Mentoring Events

First-year students enrolled in ENGL 292 are encouraged to attend these exciting fall events:

Department Welcome

TBA Fall 2021
Time TBA
Bailey Library (Andrews Hall 229)

Alison Bechdel, author of Fun Home and Are You My Mother?

Thursday, October 7, 2021
7:00 pm
Rococo Theater

English & Film Studies Advising Night

October 27, 2021
1007 Oldfather Hall

Other events of interest

We also recommend these other events happening this year:

Preparing for Graduate School

September 21, 2021
Bailey Library (Andrews Hall 229)

Humanities on the Edge Presents Sergio Delgado Moya

Thursday, September 16, 2021
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Sheldon Museum of Art

Writing Brilliant Essays Series

Every Monday starting September 13, 2021, thru November 8
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Online via Zoom

Humanities on the Edge Presents Ramon Grosfoguel

Thursday, November 18, 2021
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Sheldon Museum of Art

View all departmental events

Be a Peer Mentor

The Department of English Student Advisory Board (ESAB) program is designed to mentor, promote, and represent undergraduate English and Film Studies students in the English department. Advisory Board members assist the English and Film Studies Academic Advisor and Undergraduate Chair with recruitment and retention activities hosted by the University, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Department of English. Students who participate in the English Student Advisory Board will develop personal leadership, mentorship, and communication skills and will have the opportunity to represent the Department of English and the University in a professional capacity.

We will be seeking several new mentors for the 2022-2023 school year! Applications will open in November.

Application Information

Questions about ESAB and the mentoring program? Contact Dr. Kathleen Lacey, Academic Advisor for English and Film Studies, at, or drop by her office in Andrews 201B.