Holly Hassel

Holly Hassel

PhD, 2002

Composition and Rhetoric

Profile at NDSU

Holly Hassel is a professor of English and director of first-year writing at North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota. She graduated with her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2002 and taught for 16 years at the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, a two-year campus of the state-wide institution, University of Wisconsin Colleges. She has served as editor of the journal Teaching English in the Two-Year College and as program chair of the 2021 Conference on College Composition and Communication.

Dr. Hassel’s scholarly work focuses on teaching and learning in first-year writing and introductory women’s and gender studies classrooms. She has published work in College Composition and Communication, College Englishthe Journal of Writing Assessment, Pedagogy, Teaching English in the Two-Year College, Women's StudiesFeminist Teacher, and many edited collections. Her work has been recognized through national awards from the National Council of Teachers of English, Council of Writing Program Administrators, and the Two-Year College English Association.

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Recent Books

Materiality and Writing Studies
Hassel Book
Hassel Book