Department Newsletter Submissions


  1. Write in the third person.
  2. Follow MLA Guidelines:
    • Titles of articles, essays, chapters, poems, songs, and speeches are wrapped in quotation marks (e.g. “A Bird came down the Walk”).
    • Titles of books, films, periodicals, plays, and databases are *italicized* (e.g., A Raisin in the Sun; see Table 1: Formatting Cues).
    • Hyperlinks must be attached to words or phrases and wrapped in curly brackets (e.g., Camelia had a poem in {Prairie Schooner}; see Table 1: Formatting Cues).
  3. Mark text that should be bolded, italicized, or linked using the formatting cues below. If you know HTML you are welcome to use valid HTML tags instead.

Table 1: Formatting Cues

Please note that this form will not make text bold or italicized as you type, but the text formatting will appear in the published newsletter.

Formatting CueExampleUsage / Notes
Bold: double asterisks**bold text here**Names of department faculty, staff, and students (including yours!)
Italics: single asterisks*italicized text here*Titles of books, films, periodicals, plays, and databases
Hyperlinks: curly brackets{New York Times}Link the title of the relevant article or website. Do not use "click here: {link}" or "available online at: {link}."



Your Contact Information

Include domain (i.e. '')

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Social Media opt-out

The department shares newsletter stories via social media from time to time. Check this box to indicate that you do not want these stories shared on department social media feeds.

Newsletter Submissions

Multiple stories are welcome! If you have multiple stories for one of the three sections, please combine those stories into a single write-up.

Optional: Upload Images

Use these to upload images or documents you'd like to include.

  1. Choose the appropriate section and click "Choose File."
  2. In the window that opens, select the image file from your computer.
  3. Click "Upload."
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

Friday, March 14

Due date for submitting items for the
Spring 2025 newsletter.