As an English major, you design your own concentration — a program of study based on your areas of interest, organized around a controlling theme or topic — with the help of your advisor. Below are some recommendations for students interested in this area.
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Recommended Courses
Students should also consider a Med/Ren minor. Talk with an English Advisor for more information.
- ENGL 210L: Arthur in Literature and Culture
- ENGL 230: English Authors before 1800
- ENGL 230A: Shakespeare
- ENGL 330A: Shakespeare on Screen
- ENGL 330E: Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton
- ENGL 362: Intro. Medieval Literature
- ENGL 363: Intro. Renaissance Literature
- ENGL 401: Drama (Medieval or Renaissance)
- ENGL 402: Poetry (Renaissance Lyric or Epic)
- ENGL 430: English Authors Before 1800—Specific Authors (Chaucer, Milton)
- ENGL 430A: Shakespeare I
Recommended Experiences
Internships, Volunteering, Publishing, etc.
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies at UNL: meet guest speakers, attend social events, make abroad connections, talk with Med-Ren Student Ambassadors
- A dual major in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, or a minor in Med-Ren
- Volunteer or Intern with the Flatwater Shakespeare Company in Lincoln
- Study Abroad: Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS), Oxford
- Do a U-Care project, Honors Thesis, or Independent Study with associated faculty
- Apply to the Fulbright Durham University Summer Institute on Medieval Studies
- Volunteer/Work for the Sheldon Museum
Recommended Reading
Journals, Blogs, Books, etc.
- University of Victoria Internet Shakespeare Editions
- Archive for medieval texts online (TEAMS texts)
- Early English Books Online (EEBO via UNL Libraries)
- Follow University of Nebraska Medieval and Renaissance Studies on Facebook
- The Folger Shakespeare Library (esp. "Discover Shakespeare")
- Early Modern Lit Blog - info about conferences, etc.
- The Electronic Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)
- Biblio Odyssey - blog on early modern books
- Early English Literature at the Luminarium Encylopedia Project
- The Map of Early Modern London (MOEML)
- The John Milton Reading Room (Dartmouth)
- Resources for Medieval Studies at The Labyrinth
- Conversion Narratives in Early Modern Europe
- Online Journal: Early Modern Literary Studies
- The Lost Plays Database (Early modern Theater)
Career Opportunities
- Library/Archival
- Education - All Levels
- Performing Arts/Dramaturgy
- Publishing/Editing