Ava Winter
Lecturer University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
202 ANDR
Lincoln NE 68588-0333 - Phone
Ava Winter is the author of a poetry chapbook, Safe House. Their poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Baffler, Beloit Poetry Journal, Best New Poets, Poetry International, Room, and TriQuarterly. Ava’s critical writing and interviews with other poets have appeared in Writers: Craft and Context, The Writer’s Chronicle, and as a Poetry Foundation web feature. Ava holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from The Ohio State University and a Ph.D. in Creative Writing with a specialization in Women’s and Gender Studies from the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. Ava’s writing has also been supported by a Stadler Fellowship from Bucknell University and an Individual Excellence Award from the Ohio Arts Council.
- Ph.D., University Of Nebraska - Lincoln
Creative Writing (Poetry) and Women's and Gender Studies - M.F.A., The Ohio State University
Creative Writing (Poetry) - B.A., Sarah Lawrence College