Caterina Bernardini

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Caterina Bernardini

Lecturer English University of Nebraska-Lincoln


ANDR 203
Lincoln NE 68588-0333
402-472-3191 On-campus 2-3191

Caterina Bernardini received her joint Ph.D. in English and Comparative Languages and Literatures from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Macerata, Italy, in 2017. At UNL, from 2011 to 2018, she taught and worked as an editorial assistant for the Walt Whitman Archive and the Willa Cather Archive. In 2018/2019, Caterina worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marne, in Paris. Caterina is now back at UNL as a lecturer and a contributing editor for the Walt Whitman Archive. Her interests include nineteenth-century and early modernist American poetry, transnational and world literature, multilingualism, women's writing, reception and translation studies, and digital scholarly editing. Her book, which treats the reception of Walt Whitman's poetry in Italy, as seen within a larger transnational frame, is forthcoming within the Whitman Series at the University of Iowa Press. Caterina has published articles in the Walt Whitman Quarterly ReviewWilla Cather Newsletter and Review, and in several collections of essays. With an innate passion for languages (she speaks Italian, English, Russian, Spanish, French, and she has studied Ancient Greek and Latin), Caterina is also always on the lookout for translating opportunities. She is now completing a translation into Italian of a selection of John Muir's Wilderness Essays for the publisher Piano B.

Areas of Interest

Nineteenth-century and early modernist American poetry

Transnational and world literature


Women's writing

Reception and translation studies

Digital scholarly editing


  • Ph.D. (2017), University of Nebraska–Lincoln & University of Macerata, Italy
    Joint Ph.D. in English & Comparative Literature
  • M.A. (2010), University of Macerata, Italy
  • B.A. (2006), University of Macerata, Italy