Shari Stenberg
Adele Hall Chair of English, Director of Women’s and Gender Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
ANDR 342
Lincoln NE 68588-0333 - Phone
Personal Teaching Statement
Whether I am working with first-year or graduate students, we collaboratively explore how our rhetorical practices can shape the classroom, our discipline, and our culture. My hope is that students feel enabled to contribute to conversations that invigorate them as well as to critically reflect on the choices they make in doing so. I approach the discipline as a shared space in which students and teachers come together to debate, dialogue, and build knowledge. My goal is not to simply share my own knowledge, but to facilitate others’ knowledge-making. Inevitably, what I know is altered as a result.
Likewise, I work with new and developing teachers to investigate the visions and ideals that shape our pedagogies, and to approach teaching, like writing, as always in process.
Selected Publications and Projects
Persuasive Acts: Women’s Rhetorics in the Twenty-first Century. University of Pittburgh Press, 2020.
Repurposing Composition: Feminist Interventions for a Neoliberal Age. Utah State UP, 2015.
Composition Studies Through a Feminist Lens. Parlor Press, 2013.
Professing and Pedagogy: Learning the Teaching of English. NCTE, 2005.
“Cultivating Listening: Teaching from a Restored Logos.” Silence and Listening as Rhetorical Acts. Eds. Krista Ratcliffe and Cheryl Glenn. Southern Illinois University Press, 2011.
“Teaching and (Re)Learning the Rhetoric of Emotion.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition and Culture. 11.2 (2011): 349-370.
“Chaos is the Poetry: Teacher Development, Service-Learning, and Disorder.” (Co-authored with Darby Arant Whealy) College Composition and Communication. 60.4 (2009): 683-706.
“Making Trouble Elsewhere: Second Generation Con/fusion.” In Transforming English Studies: New Voices in an Emerging Genre. Eds. Jeff Ludwig, Jim Nugent and Lori Ostergaard. Parlor Press, 2009. (Co-authored with Chris Gallagher and Pete Gray)
“Making Room for New Subjects: Feminist Interruptions of Critical Teaching.” In Teaching Rhetorica: Theory, Pedagogy, Practice. Eds. Kate Ronald and Joy Ritchie. Boynton/Cook, 2006
“Liberation Theology and Liberatory Pedagogies: Renewing the Dialogue.” College English, January 2006.
“Developing Pedagogies: Learning the Teaching of English.” College English. 64.3. (January 2002): 326-347. (Co-authored with Amy Lee)"
“Embodied Subjects, Embodied Knowledges: Re-thinking the Mind/Body Split” Composition Studies. 30.2 (Fall 2002): 43-60.
“Teacher Narratives as Interruptive: Toward Critical Colleagueship” symplokē, Special issue: Sites of Pedagogy. 10.1-2 (2002): 32-51. (Co-authored with Chris Gallagher and Peter Gray)
“Learning to Change: The Development of a (Basic) Writer and Her Teacher.” Journal of Basic Writing. 21.2 (Fall 2002): 37-55.
“Why Didn’t You Speak Up?: When Public Writing Becomes Public Silencing.” Going Public: Student Writing as Public Text. Eds. Emily Isaacs and Phoebe Jackson. Boynton/Cook, 2001. 18-25.
Areas of Interest
Composition and rhetoric
Critical and feminist pedagogies
Feminist rhetorics
Teaching and writing development
- Ph.D., State University of New York-Albany
- B.A., Drake University