Graduate Awards

Graduate with children

Fellowships and Academic Awards

Research and Creative Activity Awards

Teaching and Service Awards

Fellowships & Academic Awards

Maude Hammond Fling Fellowship

Awarded to advanced masters and doctoral students who have demonstrated the highest levels of academic potential.

Katie Marya (2022)
Ilana Masad (2021)
Adam Hubrig (2019)
Rachael Cochran (2018)
Benjamin Hage (2018)
Erin Bertram (2017)
Gabriel Houck (2015)

Dean's Fellowship

Awarded to advanced masters or doctoral students.

Daniel Clausen (2017)

CAS Inclusive Excellence and Diversity Award

Awarded by the College of Arts & Sciences for innovative or exemplary activities that promote inclusive excellence and diversity on campus or in the community.

Lydia Presley (2021)

Karen Dunning Scholarly Paper/Creative Activity Award

Awarded by the Women’s & Gender Studies Program.

Isaac Essex (2022)
Zainab Saleh (2021)

Robert Knoll Graduate Essay Award

Awarded by the Medieval & Renaissance Studies Program.

Tara Ballard (2021)

Lowe R. & Mavis M. Folsom Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award

Eman Hassan (2019)

Supervised by Grace Bauer

Sarah Fawn Montgomery (2016)

Supervised by Joy Castro

Nima Najafi Kianfar (2015)

Supervised by Grace Bauer

Christine Stewart-Nuñez (2008)

Supervised by Hilda Raz and Barbara DiBernard

Lowe R. & Mavis M. Folsom Distinguished Master's Thesis Award

Jessica Tebo (2019)

Supervised by Melissa Homestead

Medieval and Renaissance Studies Dissertation Award

Eder Jaramillo (2018)

“Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice & the 'Productions' of National Identity in the Face of the Other.”

Big Ten Emerging Scholar

Anne Nagel (2019)

“Deleuzean Virtuality in the Victorian Bedroom: Transgressive Reverie in Dickens’s Dombey and Son,” given at the University of Minnesota

Matthew Guzman (2018)

“Non/human: Praxis and Flux in Nineteenth-Century American Literature,” given at Michigan State University

Research & Creative Activity Awards

University & College Awards

Van Sickle Fellowship in Creative Writing

Maria Nazos (2017)
Raul Palma (2017)

Frank and Marie Wheeler Fellowship

Jordan Charlton (2021)
Reagan Myers (2021)

Dr. Raphael “Ralph” Grajeda Fellowship

Presented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies.

Claire Jiménez (2022)

Dr. Raphael “Ralph” Grajeda Fellowship

Presented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies.

Jordan Charlton (2022)

Digital Scholarship Incubator Fellowship

Olufunke Ogundimu (2022)
Erin Bertram (2017)
Linda Garcia Merchant (2017)
Jonathan Cheng (2016)
Gabi Kirillof (2016)
Kevin McMullen (2014)

Center for Great Plains Studies Graduate Fellows

Belinda Acosta
Kami Ahrens
Daniel Clausen
Paul Grosskopf
Matthew Guzman
Jason Hertz
MacKayla Kelsey
Aubrey Streit Krug
Maria Nazos
Emily Rau
Cameron Steele
Matt Whitaker
Cory Willard

Department Awards

Department Writing Contests

Each year, the Department of English holds writing contests for student writers, with awards for poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and scholarly writing.

Writing Contest Winners

Other Awards for Research & Creative Activity

Pushcart Prize

Jamaica Baldwin (2022)

National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship

Jamaica Baldwin (2021)

Mellon Grant

Claire Jimenez - “El proyecto de la literatura puertorriqueña/The Puerto Rican Literature Project” (2021)

US Latino Digital Humanities Grants-in-Aid

Claire Jimenez - “The Puerto Rican Literature Project” (2020)

Editing Press Laura Bassi Scholarship for Junior Academics

Isaac Essex (2022)

Nebraska Arts Council Artist Fellowship in Nonfiction

Saddiq Dzukogi (2022)

Steinbeck Fellowship in Creative Writing

Uche Okonkwo (2022)

New York City Book Award

Claire Jimenez - Staten Island Stories (2020)

Kimmel Harding Nelson Artists Residency

Ivan Young (2018)

Margery Davis Boyden Wilderness Writing Residency

Ryler Dustin (2017)

Ithaca College Diversity Scholar Fellowship

Raul Palma (2017)

Digital Humanities at Oxford University Bursary

Lydia Presley (2017)

CantoMundo Poetry Prize

Ángel García (2016)

Fulbright Research Grant

Katelyn Hemmeke - South Korea (2016)

Fulbright Teaching Assistantship Grant

Celie Knudsen - Spain (2022)

Teaching & Service Awards

University & College Awards

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Presented by the Office of Graduate Studies.

Claire Jiménez (2021)
Katie Schmid Henson (2019)
Katie McWain (2018)
Robert Lipscomb III (2015)
Bobbi Jo Olson (2013)
Susan Martens (2012)
Julie Iromuanya (2010)
Tamy Burnett (2009)

Family and Friends Recognition Awards*

Presented by the UNL Parents Association. Formerly known as the Parents’ Recognition Awards.

Adrienne Christian (2017 & 2019)
Eder Jaramillo (2019)
Gina Keplinger (2019)
Regan Levitte (2019)
Robert Lipscomb (2019)
Ilana Masad (2019)
Zach Mueller (2019)
Christian Rush (2019)
Cameron Steele (2019)
Jonathan Cheng (2018)
Scott Guild (2018)
Katie Henson (2018)
Gabriel Houck (2017 & 2018)
Alexander Ramirez (2018)
Linda Pawlenty (2018)
Kirby Little (2017)
Ivan Young (2017)
Benjamin Vogt (2014 & 2015) Lindsay Andrews (2014)
Jaclyn Cruikshank Vogt (2014)
Katie McWain (2014)
Kelly Meyer (2014)
Trey Moody (2014)
Megan Peabody (2015)
Maria Nazos (2014)
Erica Rogers (2014)

UNL Student Luminary Award

Saddiq Dzukogi (2022)
Adam Hubrig (2019)

Department Awards

Robert L. Hough Distinguished Teaching Award for GTAs*

Claire Jimenez (2020)
Charlotte Kupsh (2020)
Katie Marya (2020)
Zoe McDonald (2020)
Adam Hubrig (2019)
Benjamin Reed (2019)
Shawn Rubenfeld (2019)
Rachel Cochran (2018)
Stevie Siebert Desjarlais (2018)
Matt Whitaker (2018)
James Brunton (2016)
Zachary Beare (2015)
Robert Lipscomb (2015)

EGSA Awards

Presented annually by the English Graduate Student Association.

Excellence in Teaching Award (M.A.)

Elva Moreno del Rio (2022)
Jessica Poli (2020)
Gina Keplinger (2019)
Anne Johnson (2018)
Dillon Rockrohr (2017)

Excellence in Teaching Award (Ph.D.)

Tryphena Yeboah (2022)
Rachel Cochran (2020)
Linda Garcia Merchant (2019)
Adam Hubrig (2018)
Erin Bertram (2017)

Outstanding Service Award

Keshia Mcclantoc (2022)
Alexandra DeLuise (2020)
Shawn Rubenfeld (2019)
Stevie Seibert Desjarlais (2018)
Nicole Green (2017)

Star Professor Award

Among the awards presented annually by the EGSA is the Star Professor Award, which honors an English faculty member for their commitment to graduate student education and well-being.

EGSA Star Professor Awardees